Our Goal is to create strategies designed to provide predictable income for life:
- Protected from Market Volatility
Make sure your investment mix aligns with your risk tolerance level. - Adjusted for Inflation
$20 in 1965 has the same buying power as $150 today - Tax Efficient
Don’t let unnecessary tax fees erode your gains. - Create Paychecks for Life
Build and secure the wealth you’ll need for the next 30 or more years. - Guaranteed and Backed by A-Rated Companies
Create sustainable income with the highest rated companies.
Is An Annuity Right For You?

Does Your Retirement Plan Have A Roof?
Not All Annuities Are The Same. You Must Make Certain They’re Suitable For You.
Ask Yourself These Questions:
- Do you understand why your trusted advisor is presenting a certain product?
- Do you know the primary purpose the product serves?
- Does the product address a specific financial need or goal you have?
- Do you understand how the product will help you meet your need or goal?
- Do you know how the product compares against other options?
- Do you understand the limitations of the product?
- Does your risk tolerance level match that of the product?
- Do you understand the potential tax implications of the product?
- Do you know which aspects of the product are guaranteed, and which are not?
- Tax Deferral
- Death Benefits
- Guarantee of Principal
- Lifetime Income Options
- Earnings Tied To Market Performance
- Minimum Interest Rate Guarantee
- Surrender Charge
- IRS Penalty For Pre 59 1/2 Withdrawals
- Management Fees
- Dividends
Declared Rate Fixed Annuity
Equity Indexed Annuity
- *If Held For Term
Variable Annuity
Transitioning from saver to spender is challenging for many retirees. If you get stuck in savings mode during retirement, then you may miss out on valuable and enjoyable experiences like visiting your friends and family, traveling, learning a new skill, starting a new hobby, etc. The transition can be fearful as well because who’s not concerned that they’ll outlive their nest egg in retirement?
Recent U.S. Census Bureau reports indicate that the number of people living to age 100 will increase 10 times in 30 years. In order to live out a more safe, secure, and enjoyable life in retirement you will need to create a strategy focused on a variety of guaranteed income sources.
The name of the game in retirement is not running out of money. On the front end, that’s a function of how much you’re able to save. On the back end, it’s all about how you can set up your different savings accounts to minimize taxes and strategically withdraw from them in order to avoid unnecessary fees and penalties to help make your money last longer.